Homemade Gelatin Gummies For Gut Health That Are Kid Approved

Homemade gelatin gummies are a nutrient dense snack for everyone. Gelatin is full of proteins and antioxidants that help to protect cells in the body. It’s great for digestion, bones, skin, and joints. These are super easy to make and is 100% kid approved!

homemade gummies on a wooden table

This recipe only contains four simple ingredients and is an incredibly nutritious snack for children. We always love to make these when one of our children aren’t feeling well since it is full of so many great nutrients to aid the body while healing. These gelatin gummies are also one of the only things our kids will eat while not feeling well. They usually don’t have much of an appetite while under the weather but they cannot resist these gummies, neither can I if we’re being honest.

Grass fed geletain is what we choose to make this recipe with. I like knowing we are choosing the best quality when it comes to gelatin or any meat products because it is proven that grass fed meats contain more bio-available nutrients, you can read more about that here. We can rest assured knowing the animal products we are consuming is 100% the best option for us.

Why Gelatin Gummies?

Who doesn’t love gummies? I say that they are kid approved but in all honesty they are adult approved too. Me and my husband love to snack on these since we are working on improving our oral health. Gelatin contain nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, folate, choline, sodium, and selenium. These are all essential for proper gut function and necessary for oral health.

Gelatin is full of amino acids and proteins that can help the body build more collagen, which is great for skin health. It is also great for the intestinal wall in the GI tract and supports a healthy mucus lining. I have also read that gelatin can help low blood sugar associated with type 2 diabetes due to the amino acid called glycine. Gelatin is great to incorporate for bone and joint health as it can strengthen connective tissue due to the lysine and calcium.

I love that these gummies are so easy to make and surprisingly fill you up when you need a quick snack. It’s also great knowing my kids don’t have to eat gummy bears from the store that contains high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and food dyes. Just a little research and you’ll see that those ingredients can lead to many inflammatory issues and don’t benefit our health in any way.

Which Gelatin Is the Best for Gummies

When choosing a gelatin, I like to check for grass fed as I mentioned above. We love to use Vital Proteins grass fed gelatin for our gummies. I like the fact that we can easily purchase it at wholefoods or natural grocers. You can also order it online from vital proteins!

gummies in a mold

What Do You Need To Make Gelatin Gummies

You can easily make gelatin gummies using four simple ingredients. You’ll need grass-fed gelatin, honey, lemon juice, and organic fruit juice (not from concentrate). You can use any fruit juice you would like, in my house we like to use grape, tart cherry, or cranberry juice. Tart cherry would be a great option for promoting healthy sleep since it increases melatonin. You will need a stove for this recipe to heat up the juice and incorporate the gelatin.

I have also seen other people add in elderberry powder to make these gummies even more immune boosting. You can really add any powder you would like to this recipe to get added benefits!

You’ll also need a gummy bear mold. We have a gummy men mold that we’ve been using for a while and love. It is larger than an actual gummy bear so just keep that in mind when buying one if you want small gummy bears. They also have heart and flower shape molds which are so cute! Most of them also come with the little syringe to put the liquid in the mold, which is probably a life saver. Not sure why I never invested in a syringe!

The process of making gelatin gummies

Yield: 25 gummy men

Gelatin Gummies

gummie men on a wooden table

This 4 ingredient gummy recipe is super easy to make and is great for gut health. They are also kid approved!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Additional Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour


  • 5 Tbls Grass fed Gelatin
  • 1/4 cup Honey
  • 1 Tbls Lemon Juice
  • 2 cups Organic Fruit Juice


  1. Start by dividing two cups of fruit juice. 1 cup into a pot on the stove and 1 cup in a mixing bowl
  2. Start the 1 cup of juice in the pot on a low-medium heat ( you want a slow simmer, not boiling)
  3. Take 1 cup of juice and pour it into your mixing bowl.
  4. Lightly sprinkle 5 tablespoons of grass fed gelatin over the juice that is in the mixing bowl while the pot on the stove is warming up.
  5. Let the gelatin sit on the juice, don't mix it in. You want the gelatin to "bloom". This means it will begin to soak up all of the liquid from the juice.
  6. Stir in 1/4 cup of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into the simmering pot.
  7. Once your gelatin looks nice and bloomed, you can scrape it into the pot and start whisking the gelatin in. Keep whisking until you don't see anymore chunks of gelatin.
  8. Finally, pour the mixture from the pot into your silicon mold and place in the fridge for 45 minutes to an hour.
  9. Pop them out and enjoy a delicious snack!


When you are pouring the juice into the molds, you may want to put a baking sheet under your mold, this will make it so much easier to transfer to your fridge.

Some people like to us a baking syringe to put the juice into the mold instead of pouring it in. I would say that would make my life so much easier, I just forget to buy one!

You can pop these into the freezer for 30 minutes if you want them to be ready quicker. I've done this with great success.

How Long Do The Gummies Last?

The gummies will have to stay in the fridge or else they will melt and fall apart. They should be fine in the fridge for 5-7 days, if they don’t get eaten before then. Usually they only last a day in my house!

I hope you enjoy this gelatin gummy recipe. Please let me know if you’ve ever made homemade gelatin gummies before in the comments below, I’d love to see what you like to add to yours!

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